Mackintosh of Glendaveny Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil 250ml.
Mackintosh of Glendaveny Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil Pure rapeseed oil Is a new necessity in your kitchen with good cooking quality and health benefits It has a wide range of applications and is suitable for composting, fermentation, baking, grilling and stirring. With only 6% saturated fat (the lowest level of other oils on the market) and rich in Omega 3,6 and 9 content, therefore, is an alternative to better health than olive oil from abroad.
The product received may be subject to package modification and quantity from the manufacturer.
We reserve the right to make any changes without prior notice.
*The images used are for advertising purposes only.
Natural rapeseed oil
Please store in a cool, dry place. When opened, close the lid tightly. And stored in the refrigerator