Olivado Extra Virgin Avocado Oil 250ml.
The oil has the rich, buttery, delicate taste profile of ripe Avocados that Americans have grown to love over the years.
And because many of us have been raised on a diet of dairy products it's a taste that is very familiar to us. In turning the avocado into oil,
Olivado has maintained all the health properties of this most nutritious wonder fruit, in a delicious, versatile, shelf stable oil that can be used as an alternative to olive oil in any recipe.
Unlike some strong olive oils, Olivado Extra Virgin Avocado oil is never bitter, will not burn at moderate temperatures and won't overpower your recipes.
It has excellent health benefits, including monounsaturated fat (the good fat), has no cholesterol, no carbohydrates, and can be used as an essential component of the new Mediterranean Diet.
Kosher, No Trans Fats, All Natural, High in Mono-unsaturates, Nutrients, and Antioxidants.
The smooth and mild taste of ripe Hass avocado. It’s perfect for gentle heating in a frying pan as well as high heat of up to 255°C. Drizzle over salads and vegetables and it’s great with seafood too.
The many uses of avocado oil include:
• Panfrying and wok cooking – vegetables, fish, meat
• Roasting, baking, grilling
• Drizzle over cooked vegetables for added flavour and goodness
• Add a little lemon, lime or vinegar for a simple salad dressing
• Dips, sauces and marinades
• It’s also excellent for skin and hair, externally as well as internally!
The product received may be subject to package modification and quantity from the manufacturer. We reserve the right to make any changes without prior notice. *The images used are for advertising purposes only.extra virgin avocado oil (100%)
• Use within 3 months of opening.
• Store in a cool dark place.
• For all high heat cooking, salads, and sauces.